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Q118 تحميل برنامج Folder Guard 20.1 عملاق حفظ الملفات بكلمة سر فى اخر اصدار

برنامج Folder Guard يمكنك من حفظ ملفاتك الهامة ومجلداتك الخاصة بكلمة سر
كما يمكنك إخفائها تماما عن عين المستخدمين ولن تظهر لأحد غيرك ولن يتمكن أحد من مشاهدتها أو مشاهدة محتواها إلا لمن يمكلك الرقم السرى
Folder Guard® is a powerful computer security program that you can use to control access to files, folders, and other Windows resources.
You can use F. guard to lock your personal files and folders with passwords, to stop other users from peeking into your records.
You can even completely hide your private folders from virtually all applications, and such folders would remain invisible until you enter a valid password.
You can also protect sensitive system files from modification or destruction, disable access to the removable drives, restrict access to Control Panel, and more.
Why choose F. Guard?
F. guard can hide your personal folders from other users
You can set up F. Guard to hide your private folders (or make them appear empty). The folder would be hidden from virtually any program, including Windows Explorer, Office, MS-DOS programs, etc.
F. Guard can password-protect and restrict access to file folders
You can password-protect any document folder to prevent access to your personal files without knowing the password. You can set up F. Guard to allow only certain users to change the computer settings with Control Panel, while denying that to other users.
F. Guard can control access to programs and files
You can prevent other users (even the administrators) from using the system tools that can mess up your Windows installation, while allow such use for yourself or someone who knows the Master password. You can also designate the backup programs as the trusted ones, allowing them to backup your protected files in the background without asking you for the password every time.
F. Guard can lock access to the USB, CD-ROM and other removable drives
You can configure F. Guard to allow or deny access to the removable drives, restricting the user’s ability to run or install unauthorized programs on your computer.
Whats New:
This update offers several improvements and corrections:
A new option, Report events to Windows Event Log, has been added to the Options view of F. Guard.
A problem has been corrected that prevented some domain users added to the Trusted list to be treated as trusted users.
Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.


jpldg fvkhl[ Folder Guard 20>1 ulghr pt/ hglgthj f;glm sv tn hov hw]hv 201 jpgdg folder guard ]tu td

jpldg fvkhl[ Folder Guard 20>1 ulghr pt/ hglgthj f;glm sv tn hov hw]hv 201 hglgthj hov hw]hv jpgdg fvkhl[ f;glm folder guard ]tu sv ulghr td

 توقيع : sasa2010

اللَّهُمُّ اِنْكِ عَفْوَ تَحَبَّ الْعَفْوُ فاعفو عَنَا

شكرا اختى الغاليه خفوق

أُماٌرٌس آٌلتٌجاهل ٌفيٌ حياتٌي [ كثٌيٌراً ]
وٌ لا أخٌجٌل مٌن هْذا الإٍعتراًفً
لأن اهتَماميَ/ لا أمنحُه ولا أسْكبْه
إلاْ عْلى مُن ( يِسَتِحقَه)

رد مع اقتباس
3 أعضاء قالوا شكراً لـ sasa2010 على المشاركة المفيدة:
 (26-01-2020),  (24-01-2020),  (24-01-2020)